Friday, July 31, 2015


Hello everyone!
water have a very high importance in our lives. without the food we can live for several weeks but without water we cannot live more than 7 days. it has many significant qualities that makes it very useful for the human body. As we know that our body is mainly comprised of water. and on a average the 70 percent of human body is water. there are many other reasons for us to have water specially those who lift the iron.


water is very much beneficial in day to day life.
it gives us energy that we use to do work. as the constituents of water that are hydrogen and oxygen, which when took by the body is broken and released as the energy. lack of water can cause several kinds of memory problems and some people can suffer from fatigue.


it is a very good source of fluency that is used by the body to flush out the waste material. When you consume proteins and vitamins then the body extracts the important nutrients from it and rest is left as a residue, this residue is to be taken out from the body and in this process water is very helpful. If this waste is not excreted out from the body then it may cause many problems related to digestion and excretion system.


As we know that water is very good for the transportation of waste out from the body, and this process leads to the better digestion and metabolism functionality. when the body have enough amount of water then the food we consume is easily broken and the energy is taken out from the food which can be then utilized by the body. So, in simple words good amount of water intake makes your digestive system healthy.


Water is very helpful in removing the unnecessary toxins from body.According to a research it is proved that the people who have higher water levels tend to have lower fat deposits than the one's who have comparatively less water levels. it is a very easy theory which states that because of higher water level the fat does not rests in the body and is continually used and the waste is flushed out that do not gives a chance for fat deposits so, we can say that water removes fat and toxins from the body.


After a intense workout you drink water and you feel refreshed and the temperature of your body goes down, this action of water is it's another benefit. Water keeps the body cool and prevents it from several problems related to rise in temperature. Experts find water more suitable than the other beverages because it does not contain added carbohydrates or sugar.


Dehydration is a problem in which the body is totally dried out and there is very less hydration in the body cells, that definitely leaves them in very week state. this is followed by weakening of immune system and makes the body a host for disease. this problem can occur at any time due to loss of  water. So, to prevent this you should drink plenty of water and keep your body cells hydrated.


This is a very common question that every individual has in his/her mind, well the answer to this is very simple. According to the sports association you should drink atleast 8-12 glass of water per day. but this limit can be exceeded to 8-15 glass of water per day according to your need.


Many find this question relevant to their lifestyles and so here's the answer. whenever you feel thirsty drink, and not just to wet your mouth but a lot of it. i'll suggest you that always opt for water than the beverages. for bodybuilders it is very necessary that they should drink water before, during and after the workout. this will keep the body hydrated and cool. but always keep in mind that after a workout never drink gallons of water because that may interfere with your muscle growth and cause several problems.

It is proved by the studies that the people who drink 8-12 glass of water per day are less likely to experience:
- heat strokes
- colon cancer
- obesity
- stone problems

Water has it's many benefits and i cannot count them, it improves the vitality of the skin, it fuels and hydrates our muscles tissues, and also helps the heart to pump blood with ease. so with all these benefits water can be considered as a boon to all mankind.
When we talk about bodybuilding water holds it's specific place and i will suggest each and everyone out there sweating around iron drink plenty of water to nourish your body.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

introduction to bodybuilding


Hello everyone there! bodybuilding is a art in which one's mind and body combines to form a super being that can lift 200 pounds. and believe me 200 pounds is easy to hear but heavy to lift.
Today we all are concerned about the rush in our lives and we all want to be fit in our own way, but due to high increase of stress and being busy, many of us are not able to achieve our goal. But if we are determined and dedicated to our goals we can simply achieve.

i'm not saying that you will achieve your dream body within nights but with little bit of planning and determination you can fulfill your desire to be huge and believe me, i was also one of you who started bodybuilding with nothing but a dream that one day i will have a body that other's will appreciate and after looking at me they will be inspired to do more.

when we talk about bodybuilding all we get in mind is getting huge. this mindset is very common and everyone wants it. but without any knowledge we cannot get there. this planning that i'm talking about is not related to rocket science and with little concern and drafting the layout it gets very simple.


When we combine the mind and body we get the super body that all of us desire as said before. there are only two main parts that are present in bodybuilding that are 1- training  2- nutrition.


The first concern that everyone has is that they have to work really hard in the gym. but i say that you  should not work really that much hard but should work in a smart way. the concept of working out for hours is now scientifically denied but instead you need to workout in a well planned manner according to a particular routine.
training consists of several parts that are 1- strength training 2- cardio training 3- flexibility training
one should keep in mind that all theses training that are mentioned are not as same as the other. They all have different ways and all carry different importance to your body.
when you are opting for a training program you should keep in mind that everyone has a different body structure and different muscle formation. so, to make it easy the body types are differentiated into three main categories that are ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph.

The ectomorph are the body types that have a thin bony structure and they have difficulty to gain muscle mass. But with planning anything is possible so don't lose your spirit.

The endomorph are the body types that have a difficulty in losing weight and thus we can say that this body type is totally different to that of ectomorph. They have high fat levels and also more muscles than the ectomorphs

The mesomorph are the body types that have good muscle fibers and do not face any difficulty to lose weight or to gain mass.
By having this knowledge you can easily select your workout routine.


Next phase of bodybuilding is nutrition. to nourish your body you should take complete sets of vitamins, proteins(essentials for muscle growth) proper amount of carbohydrates and by this you can get the excess energy which can be then utilised in the gym with iron.

this is a very important factor that contributes entirely in the bodybuilding world. you should be very specific about your supplements. now a days when there is insufficient amount of nutrients in our diet then we have to opt for the supplements that are very easily available in the market and are not very expensive. With every single diet plan it is very much essential that the individual should have a plenty of water intake as it processes the enzymes and nutrients and also flushes out the waste from the body so, anyone who's into bodybuilding should drink a lot of water.

Everyone gives so much stress on nutrition because of the fact that or body is a machine and like any other machine our body also need the essential fuels(nutrients) that will be burnt by the body in order to work. when you go to gym and lift heavy iron your body changes the nutrition that are consumed by you into the fuels for working out that is converted to energy and thus you can lift the weight. so, in order to lift heavy and test your potential consume good amount of proteins, vitamins.

As said before bodybuilding is not rocket science but with continuous work and planning you can achieve what ever goals you have set. Remember if your mind can dream about it you can fulfill it.