Sunday, August 2, 2015


Hello everyone!
What we eat throughout the day has a very important effect on our body. Without a proper diet plan you cannot achieve your goals. But, it is very easy to know what your body needs from you.


That's because of the need of energy that our body have. it is as essential as the oxygen we inhale. When we need to have results in bodybuilding and achieve our goals we always ignore the fact that without eating in a proper manner our body will not grow, and focus on lifting as heavy as we can lift. But, without any sufficient energy our body will not give the result that we expect from it. So, in order to be huge as everyone wants to be, you should have a plan for your diet.

In bodybuilding you should keep in mind that excess eating of nutrients can tire you up and also interfere with your performance, and also that eating less than required can make you weak. So, you should have a balanced meal plan which should fulfill your body needs neither less nor more.
according to the research of sports association bodybuilders should eat for burning the deposited fat and to build lean muscle. This concept is well balanced and also fits to everyone who lifts the iron.


There are some of the common food that are rich in nutrients but are generally ignored. these food can give the body that proper fuel which it needs.

  1-EGG WHITES           

In the entire field of bodybuilding there is none of the bodybuilders that do not have egg whites in there diet plan. This is considered as one of the eatable that is so much high in nutrition level and yet is very easy to afford. You can have your egg whites as wish as you want, and there are hundreds of recipes by which you can make your egg whites more tasty. There are many electronic gadgets that promise you to separate the yolk from egg whites, but i will advise you to use the old method of boiling them and then simply separate yolk from egg whites by your own clean hands.


This is another food good for bodybuilders that has high level of proteins and is very much lower in fat levels. this is also very much good in taste and easy to make. it is packed with lower calories and high lean protein that is useful to shed weight and build muscle and also is high in amino acid that reduces the stress level.


Only with the help of excess protein intake body cannot be made huge, you should also have a proper amount of carbohydrate level that will give enough energy to the body to perform the desired function. Sweet potato is a source of carbohydrates that do not overdoses the body and also gives enough energy. These carbs do not rest in the body and are very much active that gives instant energy, many of the bodybuilders use this as their pre workout snack.


We often ignore the benefits of vegetables. the quality that makes it a important food in this list is it's water leaching quality. Asparagus have a good consistency of water that enriches the body, and keeps the body hydrated. It's a very good source of fiber that is helpful in maintaining the digestive system. Asparagus has a ability to enhance the insulin that transports glucose to the cells and hence provides energy to the entire body.


We always keep in our mind that we do not have to eat carbs and fat at all, but this mind set is not good for achieving huge body. we all think that the best food to eat while you are in bodybuilding is low fat food, but let me tell this is not the correct path. Fish is one of the best source of omega 3, which is a essential fatty acid that is required by the body. omega 3 is very much helpful in muscle building. Fish is a good source of beneficial proteins and fats.


 This is another source of protein as well as fiber. Beans are very much high in fiber that helps to keep the digestion healthy. This is one of the food that not only provides protein to the bodybuilders but also maintains a regular and a healthy bowel movement. Beans help in the muscle growth as well as in the absorption process of other essential nutrients.


This is not only a important food source but also very essential in bodybuilding. Yes! it is whey protein. High in protein levels and minimum fat which gives you ability to pop out your muscles. As recommended by the sports association and bodybuilding research every individual's protein intake should be around 1.0 to 1.2 grams of protein for every pound of bodyweight. So by this simple method you can calculate your protein intake.


Now the question arises that when we should take our meal. This has a very simple answer, distribute your whole day meals into 4-6 parts in which you may eat the food that are listed above. you just have to collect the energy from every food source and then use it in the gym to lift the iron and to build leans muscles. this is very simple concept that is followed by Mr. Olympia but on even larger level. they eat around 10 meals per day. I'm not asking you to eat that much but you can gradually start and then reach that level. By this you can keep your body fueled so that it can be used for any physical work. 


Everyone wants to build lean muscle without any fat, but let me tell you that without sufficient amount of carbs and fat you cannot achieve your goal. This is because the reason that these food material releases energy into your body which can be further used by you in the gym. So, to have enough energy to lift the iron you should have adequate amount of fats and carbs. Best pre-workout foods are:

1-Bananas- theses are one of the best pre-workout snack that contains carbohydrates which is digestible and does not create a deposit in the body. before any workout, a banana can help you keep your nutrients level high.

2-Oats-another fibrous source that releases carbohydrates slowly and maintains your energy level during workout. You can have a cup of oats thirty minutes before you hit the gym.

3-Wholegrain bread- top the wholegrain bread with jam, honey and eat it. Now you ready to go to the gym and burst out your energy. Yes, wholegrain bread is a another source of carbohydrates that you can eat before your workout.

4-Fruits- before leaving for gym have a fruit that will give your body enough amount of carbohydrates by which you can generate energy and use it.


When you lifted the iron and made yourself sweat a lot, you have lost a lot of energy and your muscles needs to be build because of the stress you gave them during the workout. so, now to fulfill the body needs you must eat proper food that will provide muscle recovery and it's growth:

1-Grilled chicken- after a intense workout you need to have dish that is dense in nutrients. Grilled chicken is one of the best source of lean protein and other nutrients that will help your body muscles to recover.

2-Omelet- as already discussed that eggs have a great importance in bodybuilding. their protein content is very much high and are easy to make. they helps in aiding the muscles and is very good for their growth.

3-Salmon- this is a another food source that have protein perks and also bio active peptides that help to recover the body fast. it is also helpful in regulating insulin levels which contributes to absorb the nutrients consumed by the body.

4-Spinach sandwich- this is one of the most nutritious sandwich that can be consumed after the workout is finished. it has many benefits like boosting complexion, lowering blood pressure and curbing your appetite. it is a powerhouse to your body system.


When we need to get fit we should always keep in mind that nutrition and eating right is as important as exercising. We have to fuel our body throughout the day so that we can perform our physical task without any problem. And bodybuilding is a field in which you have to improve yourself day after day. Just follow a planned routine and carefully select the right food and supplements for yourself and without any doubt you can achieve the body you have dreamed.

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