Friday, September 25, 2015

CYCLING AND RUNNING: easy way to fitness

Hello everyone!

You cannot imagine this, there are two most easy exercises that are neglected and ignored by all of us, but let me tell you one thing that if you continue with these two exercises then you can get fit fast and easily. These exercises are 1-CYCLING, 2-RUNNING. Yes, cycling and running are the two most easy exercise that can get you ripped and fit. Everyone wants to be fit and healthy, but are not able to achieve it. By performing cycling and running you will see a great change in your body stats and you will feel more healthy.


It is a state of body in which, it can perform different physical activities with ease, and in a healthy manner. Fitness can be physical and mental. It is proven by the sports association of united states that by keep doing some physical daily can enhance one's mental and physical state which makes him/her a healthy person. A fit person can perform a work in given time with more effectiveness high power, more endurance and speed. So, in order to live a healthy life aim to be fit and fitness can be achieved by certain exercises. You can add different exercising plans according to your age, weight, body structure and can have fitness.
Easy way to fitness is regular running and cycling

I am laying stress on cycling and running because it can be done by any age group and talking about elderly people they can switch their lifestyle by having a small session of cycling and gradual jogging. You should start these two exercises today and never leave them as these exercises will have a direct effect on your health and will help you achieve the goal of fitness.


Can you remember your school days when you get on the top of your bicycle and came across every street before going home? Most of us do remember that time and want to have the power and energy level we had that time. I know there are many aspects to the energy we get at different age levels but you can have those power and efficiency now also, just by starting your old school cycling routine. I am not saying that you are going to be fit and atheletic within a day but you will notice positive changes in yourself and will feel more active.

Cycling is considered as one of the best physical exercise in which most of the body gets involved. A study shows that the people who cycle for regular period of time on daily basis tends to have more energy levels, better sleep, good digestion than the people who don't. There are many benefits of cycling, some of them are:

1-Increase In Stamina: 

Stamina is the ability of the body to do work for more longer time period without tiring and stopping. By cycling you can get great increase in your stamina. Regular cycling can provide better energy level which results in maintaining your stamina.

2-Better Sleep:

Cycling can actually make your body work and in a regular habit it helps to get better and sound sleep. When you get exhausted by the physical exercise then your body needs rest, cycling is also a physical exercise which makes your body sweat, and feel to take rest, finally resulting to have better sleep.

3-Good digestion:

Digestion can be made better if our body perform physical work. Cycling can make your digestion system better and stronger. When we cycle for some time on regular basis than our body needs to have more energy, resulting in a increase in our diet. Our, body gets this energy from the food we eat and breaks the complex parts more quickly and fastly hence providing better digestive system.

4-Helps In Increase Bone Density:

It is been proved that by cycling a person can add density to the bones, this rate of density increase is very slow. But, it is good to have a slow progress than no progress. According to WHO, bone density in a individuals body increases with time when they start to adapt healthy habits, including physical exercise(cycling).


Nowadays, everyone is very much concerned about there health and try different techniques to get fit. One of the best way to be healthy and fit is running. Running is a physical exercise in which the body is involved including cardio vascular muscles and region in this get more and more expansion resulting in improved health. There are many benefits of running:

1-Helps In Weight Loss:

Running is a very good exercise in which the whole body is used and sweat is released. When this heat generated by body mixes with the fat it then burns it away. It is proved that by regular running one can easily lose their weight and burn fat. 

2-Good For Respiratory Heath:

Talking about the running, how can we forget the rapid intake and outtake of air. Yes i am talking about the respiration. Respiration can be improved by running. Many doctors and physicians recommend their patient to run daily. This can decrease the respiratory problems and are even beneficial in curing these disease.

3-Improves Cardiovascular Health

By running one can decrease the risk of several heart related disease. When we run our heart pumps more and more blood in our vessels which in turn keep on purifying it. This process leads to a healthy heart and thus makes it defensive against heart problems. Running also increases and improves the cardio vascular health of the individual. 

4-Better Metabolism And Good Body Composition:

The path of fitness goes from running. Running is a very good exercise that can improve your body composition, in other words can get you in shape. Running also have a impact on our metabolism, and makes it better. This also helps in getting body immune and to fight against foreign material.


One must know their limits, overuse or excessive use of these exercise is not good. Because in excess these exercise will not do any good to you, instead can cause injuries in your body. Nothing is good in excess so, know your body and never overdo these exercise. some of the common injury area related to running and cycling are: Neck, Shoulder, Hands, Back, Lower body, Buttocks, Knees etc.

You should always perform these exercises in a well controlled manner so that no bad effect or side effect occurs to your body.

There are some points you should keep in mind while running and cycling:

1- Have a correct, adjusted saddle

2- Increase your distance slowly

3- Always have a training preparation

4- Selecting proper gear

5- Posture while cycling or proper way of running

6- Never go in excess while running


Fitness is the term that is related to our mind and body and when these two key features are healthy then the goal of fitness is achieved. By attaining the state of fitness one can have many advantages like: Control on blood pressure, Prevention of cancer, Prevention of cardio vascular and respiratory problems, Weight control, and many more benefits are related with a healthy body.
So, in order to get a fit and healthy body start your exercise routine today highlighting running and cycling. Stay fit, stay healthy.
Thank you for taking time to read my article.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Hello Everyone!
Today everyone is opting for a bodybuilding lifestyle in which there is only additive supplements which are processed and manufactured. They are so much popular because they can provide result more rapidly and are easy to take. But, there are many bodybuilders that do their bodybuilding in vegan way.
Vegan way is just a simple dieting and exercising plan in which there is a absence of manufactured supplements. In this the bodybuilder, takes a diet in which there are no animal related products even milk. Manufactured supplements are very easy to consume but in a vegan lifestyle everything is made by your own. Here are some easy ways by which you can go all natural yet big.


*When you opt for going the natural way in bodybuilding you should have a deep look in your regular lifestyle and change your dieting and exercising plans by which you can attain more gains in your body. It is not very much hard to have a vegan lifestyle but as compared to the other bodybuilders that get their protein and vitamins from manufactured supplements you have to work a little harder. 

*You should keep in mind that your body cannot get that much amount of nutrients without any extra supplement source so, you should have your workout till a limit that the body can easily recover from it and muscles can be made stronger gradually.

*In the gym, while you are working out, always have a workout regime which consists of heavy weights and low reps. This can get you enough pump in your muscles yet there will be less wear and tear in the muscle tissues. Keep your workout under 35 to 45 minutes not more than that.

*Now you will be thinking of whether to do cardio or not. The answer is, you can have cardio sessions when you want to shred and make your body lean, but when you are bulking up, i would suggest not to have a cardio session and if you like to have cardio added to your workout then do very low intensity session with minimal stress.


While you are headed towards gym to lift some iron, keep these points in your mind and gain more.

This is a very important point to keep in mind when going the vegan way. you should not train your body more than 45 minutes because by working out for more time you will lose more muscles. So, avoid this and have a workout regime with which there is less muscle loss and more gains. 

Another point to keep in mind while working out is that you should lift heavy weights combined with low repetitions. If you increase your reps while you are going all natural then you will not be able to get much protein and nutrients, which will result in more muscle loss and less muscle growth.

To get big you have to give your muscles rest. It is proved that your body grows when it is kept at rest. Work each of the body part once in a week and then give that part rest so that the muscle fibers that are broken due to stress can be rebuild stronger.

Always keep in mind that you need to grow your muscles without taking any extra supplement source. So, when you are performing your core exercises do less reps and for other exercises do more repetitions. Also workout your large muscles more than the smaller muscles in order to grow.


As said before diet plan is as important as the workout plan because by eating only you can have your nutrients that will help you to grow muscles. So, keep these small tips in mind while opting for all natural lifestyle.

>>Drink water and green tea.
>>Eat vegetables.
>>Consume enough fruits.
>>Increase your diet.
>>Have sufficient amount of calories, carbs.
>>Distribute your protein intake in every meal you take.
>>Add sprouts and boiled pulses.

Include these small tips in your diet plan and gain more for your muscles and body.


Vegan bodybuilding needs more dedication than the normal bodybuilding as in this you have to concentrate on every single point in exercising and taking meals. But, once you get into it you can naturally gain muscle mass and can also have a ripped and shredded body. So, start it today without waiting and make your body pump.
Thank you taking time to read my article.

Sunday, September 20, 2015


Hello everyone!
Many a times we hear from people that "why should i train my legs, they are not going to be visible to anybody" or "i only train my legs one or two times a month because this part is not much necessary". When people add such comments, it only shows that they do not have complete knowledge on this topic. Your body workout does not mean, only working on your upper body. Lower body is as much important as upper body.

We can understand it by the concept of foundation, for any concrete structure firstly a foundation is laid on which the concrete structure could be made stronger, if this foundation is weak whole structure will be weak. In our body legs and lower body is foundation for our body. So, never skip leg days and focus on every single part of your body.


Bodybuilders now a days, skip legs workout because they think that back, shoulders, arms are the main muscles that are needed to be grown and stress is laid only on these upper body muscles. But always remember this that the muscles below your waist line is also as important as the upper body muscles, so don't ignore legs muscle only because you wear pants and they will not be visible to people. There are many reasons which shows that training legs does not only improves your lower muscles but also improves your total body performance:


For sometime this was considered a myth that by working out your legs you can burn more calories. But after much discussion this was proved that when we go for the exercises like lunges, squats, deadlifts and other leg exercises our body muscles are went through more and more pressure which results in more working of heart and brain giving a higher metabolism level to body. SO, automatically you start to lose more calories.


By working out your lower body you can add stability to your body. This is previously stated that our lower body is a foundation to upper body if legs are weak then your upper body will be weak and unstable. So, you can focus on legs in order to get stability and also prevent from any injury. You can perform some exercises like: lunges and squats, that can prevent your body from certain injuries. You can even recover from injuries by strengthening your lower body.


A small survey was conducted by the sports association of America which consisted of two category of people. One was, who did focus on upper body and the other who focussed on upper as well lower body. The group which did train only upper body muscles did not have much strength as compared to second group that performed the whole body workout. This is clear that working out your body below waist line increases your power and efficiency.


Training your legs can simply increase your metabolic rate. This is a very simple theory which states that when you train your legs or lower body then the muscle mass is build more in body and this making of new muscles makes the body to remain active and speedy. Lower body workout is almost equal to the several cardio practices and keep metabolism at higher levels.


This is a another benefit of training lower back that most people are not aware of, in real you can get relief from lower back pain. When you train the lower body muscles it increases the stress in other parts having different muscles which finally results in pressurizing the lower back and provide relief from back pain.


This is a another great reason to perform the lower body exercises. It is shown that the cyclists and runners train their leg muscles which gives them more endurance and also less chances of injury. They do strength based exercises like deadlifts and squats which helps them to stay in the game for longer. It also increases the flexibility by strengthening the joints as well as increases stamina.


1-Chose A Appropriate weight

2-Know About Your Body Structure

3-Have A Challenging Start

4-Keep Your Joints In Movement

5-Have Enough Rest For Rebuilding Of Muscles


We should never underestimate the importance of leg muscles. These are as important as the upper body (chest, biceps, shoulders) and needs equal amount of attention required by other muscles of body. So, to get a overall fit body never skip leg days.

Saturday, September 19, 2015


Hello everyone!
Biceps play a major role in gymming. Whether it is related to power or with showing them off. These are the guns every one wants to be big. But even after hours of workout many of us do not reach their goal. But, there is no need to worry, only you have to do is change some of your workout regime and you will see new and better pump in your biceps. Many a times people neglects the importance of tricep muscle and focus on the bicep pump, but let me tell you tricep plays a significant role in making arms bigger.


Theses are one of the exercises that gives a lot of stress on muscle fibers that are in depth. But while doing this exercise one must keep in mind that there should be no movement of body except the arms. Because if support is given to the arm muscles then the impact of contraction in biceps will get distributed and will not effect the muscle tissues. so, always be stable and start with less weight which you can increase gradually.


This exercise is called the start up exercise for arms workout. It has  many benefits as this particular exercise improves strength and the biceps can be easily overloaded with pressure making it more big.
In this exercise there are two things that you should keep in mind while performing it. Firstly, you should have a perfect motion of lifting the barbell and putting it back to it's initial state and secondly, no jerks or body effort should be added (like leaning back). You should choose suitable weights that can be lifted perfectly and then you can increase it day after day.


Another high intensity exercise is inclined dumbbells curl. In this exercise you will feel tension and pressure in your bicep tissues. This is a very beneficial exercise as it prevents the movement of body and mainly focuses on the targeted part. This exercise requires to and fro motion without any break, and proper form. As for beginners start this exercise with lowest weights and push yourself to lift heavy weight.


By the preacher curls we can get internal strength and bicep pump. You just have to set the proper weight in the weight column and then you are ready to give your bicep muscle a great pump. In this exercise you should hold the cable rod firmly and at equal distance, then bring it up towards your chin and then back to it's starting point. You can also use a EZ bar and make some variations. But always keep in mind that it should be done at a constant speed, and you should not lift your lower body while sitting.


When we talk about incline hammer curls we easily get the idea that this is a mixture of hammer curls and incline dumbbell curls. the only difference is that in incline hammer we make the movement in hammer position whereas in dumbbell curl we only keep the initial position in hammer form. This is a great exercise to feel the tension change in our biceps. It increases stretch as well as puts pressure on the brachialis.


Another great exercise to maximize front biceps and brachialis is overhead cable curl. In this exercise you need to concentrate your arm so that you feel pressure inside your bicep muscle. Stand facing front and make the movement in a easy way, making a curl behind your head. You can make a variation in this exercise by doing it with one arm at a time.


In this particular exercise all your arm is involved including your elbow, biceps, and forearm without any other effort, which gives a steady motion and good impact on the area. Make the movement from final and initial state properly without cheating in between the motion. This would maximize your upper bicep as well as tricep muscles.


Whether you do preacher curls, barbell curls, dumbbells, hammer exercises, all you need is a proper weight and a good motion of your arm in order to give stress on that particular area. Always keep in mind that you have to lift more weight then previous time. Because this will grow your muscles and make your biceps look bigger and better.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Hello Everyone!
Everyone wants to be ripped and toned. But what are the ways and methods by which a completely shredded body can be achieved. It is very simple to attain a look that everyone admires, by just following these easy steps and some changes in your lifestyle:

>>Drink Plenty Of Water

There is a huge debate on the topic that whether drinking more amount of water can help reduce weight or not. So, many private and government associations conducted surveys and the study showed that water is really helpful in reducing fat and weight. There is very simple explanation to it, when our body have plenty of water level, then the fat that is deposited in the body starts to scatter. And hence causing weight and fat loss. This happens when there is a regular intake of water in sufficient amounts.

>>Start Your Day With A Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast is your first meal for the day. By the energy you obtain from this meal will be used by your body for rest of the day. So, never skip breakfast as it is very important in order for you to lose weight. Your breakfast should be satisfying and should make you feel full. You can add cereals to your breakfast, as they are slowly digested by the body you will feel full for much longer time. This also prevents the fat storage in body.

>>Reduce Your Intake Of  Sugar And starch

This is one of the most important step for reducing fat and weight. Sugar and starch are the primary foods that stimulate the secretion of insulin. When theses foods are taken in much quantity then our insulin secretion is stimulated and makes more fat deposits in the body. So, more the sugar and starch more will be the fat levels in your body. By this we can say that in order to lose weight one must keep a check on their sugar and starch intake.

>>Go For Skimmed Milk

Milk is very good for our body as it provides calcium, which is very necessary for the bones. Every product from milk is beneficial to our body, it also helps our body to work on fat cells and break them. When we consume skimmed milk, cheese with low fat and yogurt our body start responding to the fat cells. With the help of these things body start to break fat cells into more and more smaller cells which results in the reduction of fat and weight loses.

>>Check And Reduce High Fat Foods

We all have some most favorite foods that we love to munch. But we should keep in mind that eating high calorie and fat rich food can destroy our struggle for reducing weight. Check your food listings, and tick those that are high in fat content and gradually downshift them. Instead, you can opt for other vegetables and fruits if you like to chew during the whole day.

>>Consume Protein Rich Meals

Your meal should contain a proper amount of protein, or you can add some protein source to your meal. By this your fat intake will drop automatically. Studies show that consumption of protein on regular basis boosts our metabolism and can even reduce our desire of snacking and intake of extra carbs. Some of the main protein sources are: chicken, bacon, salmon, shrimps, eggs.

>>Eat Vegetables To Help You Feel Full

Vegetables have very less amount of fats and have a great fiber content. A diet that is based on the intake of vegetables can actually make you eat healthy and make you feel full. Vegetables contain all types of vitamins and minerals that are essential for human body. This kind of diet will make your fat deposits lower and lower by which weight can be lost. Some low carb vegetables are: broccoli, lettuce, swiss chard, cucumber, cabbage, spinach etc.

>>Have The Grains

Grains are one of the best foods for reducing weight. They contain enough fibers that can be used by our body to maintain our digestive system. When our digestion will be in a proper way less amount of fatty material will be deposited in our body and hence fat will be reduced. They also contain carbohydrates that are processed slowly which makes us feel energetic for much long time. Grains helps us to maintain our blood sugar levels also.

>>Eat Fruits

There is a very rich content of fiber present in fruits that is good for heart. By having a whole fruit you can have energy  for more time span. fruits are delicious and can be consumed on the go. But one should always go for a whole fruit instead of fruit juice. As studies show that fibers present in a whole fruit are much more healthy and less fatty than the carbohydrates present in fruit juice.


It is clear that we can reduce our weight and fat levels of body by just following some simple steps and making little bit of difference in our daily lifestyle. So, stop worrying about your weight and start acting to achieve your goal.

Some Common Myths In Bodybuilding

Hello everyone!

Bodybuilding is a very vast field, in which one needs to refresh his/her knowledge regularly. Everyone should keep in mind that before following anything, you should have complete information about it. There are many myths that are practiced in bodybuilding, and without knowing the fact that whether it is true or false. Some of the biggest myths related to bodybuilding are:

1-Train till failure

This is one of the most discussed topic in bodybuilding world. When it comes to the fact that we should train our muscles till failure or not, then many of the gymming guys agree with it. this is a very common practice in which the muscles are used to lift until it is difficult to complete the last rep. But our body is designed in a way that it adapts itself when exposed to extreme limits but only to a point. If that point is exceeded then it becomes very difficult for the body to maintain the recovery resources and hence this may cause different problems in the body. So, train your body till a point it can recover the muscle tissues.

2-Spot Reduction Of Fatty Area

We always get to hear that by performing certain exercise one can easily target the body part and reduce fat. But according to the studies conducted you can never reduce the fat from a targeted area as our body will draw fat from various parts. Instead one can only work for the whole body and reduce the fat levels. By this the amount of fat drawn by the body will reduce and hence this will give a leaner look.

3-Lifting Light Weight Gives Muscle Definition

Another myth, that is very popular among the gymmers is lifting light weight for getting well defined muscles. By lifting light weights you will never build muscle and when there is no muscle building then there will be no toning of it. In simple words definition to the muscles can be given only when one has low body fat and high muscle mass. As you can see, light weights will do nothing good for the muscles so always aim for getting low fat level in body and attaining high muscle mass in order to get muscle definition.

4-Cut Carbs And Lose Weight

Many of us who wants to lose weight think that, by removing the carb content from their diet will make them fulfill their goal. But let me tell you, everything is needed by the body in order to grow, and carbs are one of the element that gives our body sufficient amount of energy to perform different tasks. So, to lose weight one should adopt a healthy diet that should cover every nutrient, have a cardio routine and lift weights.

5-Fruits Can't Make You Fat

We all know fruits provide essential vitamins and nutrients that are needed by the body. But can we eat fruits as much as we want? 
The answer is very simple. In fruits there are carbs that can be accessed by the body very easily. When you consume more fruits you give your body more and more carbs that is easily absorbed by it. By this it is clear that if the consumption rate of fruits are increased then the fat level in our body will also increase.

6-Big Muscles Make Body Slow

The myth that "bigger muscles are equal to slow body" is very irrelevant. It is been proven that more muscle mass gives more energy and power to the body. By having bigger muscles don't mean that you re going to slow down. Athletes from all over the sports world agree that more the muscles, more is the power. So, just keep this myth a side and aim for more muscles.

7-More Creatine Gives More Muscle Mass

This is a another myth that is not only wrong but is also very harmful for the body. Nowadays, many new bodybuilders take excess of creatine so that they can add more muscle mass to their body. But, this is not the way creatine works. Creatine is a substance that  gives the body extra energy to do more physical exercise, and the muscles consume it only when they are put to work. If body gets more creatine than it needs, then it will directly affect the kidneys and then will make the body weak. So, everyone should take it in a proper amount needed by the muscles.

8-Want To Have A 6-Pack, Do Crunches

Lean and strong abs comes when there is no body fat. Crunches do not affect the belly region until and unless we have a low fat level in our body. So, to get a rock hard 6-pack we should remove or lessen the whole body fat and then perform the various exercise recommended for flat belly. To make the body lean one should regularly do cardio. So, go for more cardio and pop you abs out.

9-Women Turns Into Men By Lifting Weights

We always hear this myth that women grows muscles, when they lift weights. I sometimes laugh at people who think this is true. Women needs to lift weights in order to attain shape and toning of the body. Running on treadmill will only contribute to the goal but will not fulfill it. So, without any doubt women should add weights in their exercise regime.

10-Lifting Weights Can Turn Fat Into Muscle

For everyone's knowledge i would like to tell you that muscle and fat are different from each other, so no one can turn into each other. Neither by training fat will turn into muscle nor without training muscles will turn into fat. This is a misconception. When we workout, our fat cells shrink and by this our muscles gets a defined shape and grows gradually. 

By this, we can see that there are many myths related to bodybuilding. So, i will suggest you to take advice from a registered trainer and not from every other guy in your gym. Avoid these myths and grow your body without harming it.