Saturday, September 19, 2015


Hello everyone!
Biceps play a major role in gymming. Whether it is related to power or with showing them off. These are the guns every one wants to be big. But even after hours of workout many of us do not reach their goal. But, there is no need to worry, only you have to do is change some of your workout regime and you will see new and better pump in your biceps. Many a times people neglects the importance of tricep muscle and focus on the bicep pump, but let me tell you tricep plays a significant role in making arms bigger.


Theses are one of the exercises that gives a lot of stress on muscle fibers that are in depth. But while doing this exercise one must keep in mind that there should be no movement of body except the arms. Because if support is given to the arm muscles then the impact of contraction in biceps will get distributed and will not effect the muscle tissues. so, always be stable and start with less weight which you can increase gradually.


This exercise is called the start up exercise for arms workout. It has  many benefits as this particular exercise improves strength and the biceps can be easily overloaded with pressure making it more big.
In this exercise there are two things that you should keep in mind while performing it. Firstly, you should have a perfect motion of lifting the barbell and putting it back to it's initial state and secondly, no jerks or body effort should be added (like leaning back). You should choose suitable weights that can be lifted perfectly and then you can increase it day after day.


Another high intensity exercise is inclined dumbbells curl. In this exercise you will feel tension and pressure in your bicep tissues. This is a very beneficial exercise as it prevents the movement of body and mainly focuses on the targeted part. This exercise requires to and fro motion without any break, and proper form. As for beginners start this exercise with lowest weights and push yourself to lift heavy weight.


By the preacher curls we can get internal strength and bicep pump. You just have to set the proper weight in the weight column and then you are ready to give your bicep muscle a great pump. In this exercise you should hold the cable rod firmly and at equal distance, then bring it up towards your chin and then back to it's starting point. You can also use a EZ bar and make some variations. But always keep in mind that it should be done at a constant speed, and you should not lift your lower body while sitting.


When we talk about incline hammer curls we easily get the idea that this is a mixture of hammer curls and incline dumbbell curls. the only difference is that in incline hammer we make the movement in hammer position whereas in dumbbell curl we only keep the initial position in hammer form. This is a great exercise to feel the tension change in our biceps. It increases stretch as well as puts pressure on the brachialis.


Another great exercise to maximize front biceps and brachialis is overhead cable curl. In this exercise you need to concentrate your arm so that you feel pressure inside your bicep muscle. Stand facing front and make the movement in a easy way, making a curl behind your head. You can make a variation in this exercise by doing it with one arm at a time.


In this particular exercise all your arm is involved including your elbow, biceps, and forearm without any other effort, which gives a steady motion and good impact on the area. Make the movement from final and initial state properly without cheating in between the motion. This would maximize your upper bicep as well as tricep muscles.


Whether you do preacher curls, barbell curls, dumbbells, hammer exercises, all you need is a proper weight and a good motion of your arm in order to give stress on that particular area. Always keep in mind that you have to lift more weight then previous time. Because this will grow your muscles and make your biceps look bigger and better.

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