Sunday, September 20, 2015


Hello everyone!
Many a times we hear from people that "why should i train my legs, they are not going to be visible to anybody" or "i only train my legs one or two times a month because this part is not much necessary". When people add such comments, it only shows that they do not have complete knowledge on this topic. Your body workout does not mean, only working on your upper body. Lower body is as much important as upper body.

We can understand it by the concept of foundation, for any concrete structure firstly a foundation is laid on which the concrete structure could be made stronger, if this foundation is weak whole structure will be weak. In our body legs and lower body is foundation for our body. So, never skip leg days and focus on every single part of your body.


Bodybuilders now a days, skip legs workout because they think that back, shoulders, arms are the main muscles that are needed to be grown and stress is laid only on these upper body muscles. But always remember this that the muscles below your waist line is also as important as the upper body muscles, so don't ignore legs muscle only because you wear pants and they will not be visible to people. There are many reasons which shows that training legs does not only improves your lower muscles but also improves your total body performance:


For sometime this was considered a myth that by working out your legs you can burn more calories. But after much discussion this was proved that when we go for the exercises like lunges, squats, deadlifts and other leg exercises our body muscles are went through more and more pressure which results in more working of heart and brain giving a higher metabolism level to body. SO, automatically you start to lose more calories.


By working out your lower body you can add stability to your body. This is previously stated that our lower body is a foundation to upper body if legs are weak then your upper body will be weak and unstable. So, you can focus on legs in order to get stability and also prevent from any injury. You can perform some exercises like: lunges and squats, that can prevent your body from certain injuries. You can even recover from injuries by strengthening your lower body.


A small survey was conducted by the sports association of America which consisted of two category of people. One was, who did focus on upper body and the other who focussed on upper as well lower body. The group which did train only upper body muscles did not have much strength as compared to second group that performed the whole body workout. This is clear that working out your body below waist line increases your power and efficiency.


Training your legs can simply increase your metabolic rate. This is a very simple theory which states that when you train your legs or lower body then the muscle mass is build more in body and this making of new muscles makes the body to remain active and speedy. Lower body workout is almost equal to the several cardio practices and keep metabolism at higher levels.


This is a another benefit of training lower back that most people are not aware of, in real you can get relief from lower back pain. When you train the lower body muscles it increases the stress in other parts having different muscles which finally results in pressurizing the lower back and provide relief from back pain.


This is a another great reason to perform the lower body exercises. It is shown that the cyclists and runners train their leg muscles which gives them more endurance and also less chances of injury. They do strength based exercises like deadlifts and squats which helps them to stay in the game for longer. It also increases the flexibility by strengthening the joints as well as increases stamina.


1-Chose A Appropriate weight

2-Know About Your Body Structure

3-Have A Challenging Start

4-Keep Your Joints In Movement

5-Have Enough Rest For Rebuilding Of Muscles


We should never underestimate the importance of leg muscles. These are as important as the upper body (chest, biceps, shoulders) and needs equal amount of attention required by other muscles of body. So, to get a overall fit body never skip leg days.

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