Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Some Common Myths In Bodybuilding

Hello everyone!

Bodybuilding is a very vast field, in which one needs to refresh his/her knowledge regularly. Everyone should keep in mind that before following anything, you should have complete information about it. There are many myths that are practiced in bodybuilding, and without knowing the fact that whether it is true or false. Some of the biggest myths related to bodybuilding are:

1-Train till failure

This is one of the most discussed topic in bodybuilding world. When it comes to the fact that we should train our muscles till failure or not, then many of the gymming guys agree with it. this is a very common practice in which the muscles are used to lift until it is difficult to complete the last rep. But our body is designed in a way that it adapts itself when exposed to extreme limits but only to a point. If that point is exceeded then it becomes very difficult for the body to maintain the recovery resources and hence this may cause different problems in the body. So, train your body till a point it can recover the muscle tissues.

2-Spot Reduction Of Fatty Area

We always get to hear that by performing certain exercise one can easily target the body part and reduce fat. But according to the studies conducted you can never reduce the fat from a targeted area as our body will draw fat from various parts. Instead one can only work for the whole body and reduce the fat levels. By this the amount of fat drawn by the body will reduce and hence this will give a leaner look.

3-Lifting Light Weight Gives Muscle Definition

Another myth, that is very popular among the gymmers is lifting light weight for getting well defined muscles. By lifting light weights you will never build muscle and when there is no muscle building then there will be no toning of it. In simple words definition to the muscles can be given only when one has low body fat and high muscle mass. As you can see, light weights will do nothing good for the muscles so always aim for getting low fat level in body and attaining high muscle mass in order to get muscle definition.

4-Cut Carbs And Lose Weight

Many of us who wants to lose weight think that, by removing the carb content from their diet will make them fulfill their goal. But let me tell you, everything is needed by the body in order to grow, and carbs are one of the element that gives our body sufficient amount of energy to perform different tasks. So, to lose weight one should adopt a healthy diet that should cover every nutrient, have a cardio routine and lift weights.

5-Fruits Can't Make You Fat

We all know fruits provide essential vitamins and nutrients that are needed by the body. But can we eat fruits as much as we want? 
The answer is very simple. In fruits there are carbs that can be accessed by the body very easily. When you consume more fruits you give your body more and more carbs that is easily absorbed by it. By this it is clear that if the consumption rate of fruits are increased then the fat level in our body will also increase.

6-Big Muscles Make Body Slow

The myth that "bigger muscles are equal to slow body" is very irrelevant. It is been proven that more muscle mass gives more energy and power to the body. By having bigger muscles don't mean that you re going to slow down. Athletes from all over the sports world agree that more the muscles, more is the power. So, just keep this myth a side and aim for more muscles.

7-More Creatine Gives More Muscle Mass

This is a another myth that is not only wrong but is also very harmful for the body. Nowadays, many new bodybuilders take excess of creatine so that they can add more muscle mass to their body. But, this is not the way creatine works. Creatine is a substance that  gives the body extra energy to do more physical exercise, and the muscles consume it only when they are put to work. If body gets more creatine than it needs, then it will directly affect the kidneys and then will make the body weak. So, everyone should take it in a proper amount needed by the muscles.

8-Want To Have A 6-Pack, Do Crunches

Lean and strong abs comes when there is no body fat. Crunches do not affect the belly region until and unless we have a low fat level in our body. So, to get a rock hard 6-pack we should remove or lessen the whole body fat and then perform the various exercise recommended for flat belly. To make the body lean one should regularly do cardio. So, go for more cardio and pop you abs out.

9-Women Turns Into Men By Lifting Weights

We always hear this myth that women grows muscles, when they lift weights. I sometimes laugh at people who think this is true. Women needs to lift weights in order to attain shape and toning of the body. Running on treadmill will only contribute to the goal but will not fulfill it. So, without any doubt women should add weights in their exercise regime.

10-Lifting Weights Can Turn Fat Into Muscle

For everyone's knowledge i would like to tell you that muscle and fat are different from each other, so no one can turn into each other. Neither by training fat will turn into muscle nor without training muscles will turn into fat. This is a misconception. When we workout, our fat cells shrink and by this our muscles gets a defined shape and grows gradually. 

By this, we can see that there are many myths related to bodybuilding. So, i will suggest you to take advice from a registered trainer and not from every other guy in your gym. Avoid these myths and grow your body without harming it.

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