Sunday, October 18, 2015


Hello everyone!
Without a bigger tricep muscle anyone's arm would be incomplete. So, if you want to make your arms more impressive then you should follow these simple exercises and make your triceps more defined.

1-Seated barbell extension:

In this exercise you have to sit a bench and lift a barbell above your head, then slightly bend it backwards and return to your initial state. Always keep in mind, while performing this exercise you should stick your elbow close enough so that more and more stress can be given on tricep muscle.

2-One arm dumbbell extension:

You can perform this exercise while standing or sitting on a bench. In this exercise you have to take dumbbell (which is not too heavy but can create stress on triceps muscles) and above your head make a swing motion by taking the dumbbell down and then up. Perform this exercise with alternate hands.

3-Dumbbell kickback:

This is a exercise which is very less practiced. But according to me it is a great exercise to lay stress on triceps muscle. Just have a same position as in training back muscles and place your knee on a bench. Then lift the dumbbell in a swing motion from forward to backward and vice versa. Always try to keep your back straight and have a steady posture in this exercise because unsteadiness will lessen the impact of this exercise.

4-Overhead triceps extension:

Take a dumbbell and lay on a bench with making a motion up and down from behind your  head. This exercise can be performed by taking barbell instead of a dumbbell that's why this exercise is also called overhead barbell extension.

5-Triceps push down:

Everyone loves to do this exercise but let me tell you this exercise should not be performed more than 4 sets because it may cause damage to the muscles and also then it will not be beneficial for your triceps muscle. Take a pulley rod and stand in a steady position push the rod down without moving any other part and slowly bring it up. Perform this motion several times. Always remember that your elbow should be close to your side abdomin which will create more stress on the muscles.

6-Seated dumbbell extension:

Sit on a bench and take a dumbbell, hold it with both hands and then move your hand up and down behind your head. Make slow and steady movement so that more effect can be obtained from this exercise.


In every exercise that you do for triceps, should contain steadiness, proper posture and less involvement of other body parts. By following this you can increase the effectiveness of the workout and get bigger triceps.
Thank you for reading this article.

Friday, October 16, 2015


Hello everyone!
All of us want to have a flat stomach with abs popping out. But not everyone gets that feeling which lazar angelov feels after seeing his rock hard abs.So, in order to get these abs you have to follow a simple routine of abs workout after which you can easily take off your shirt and flaunt your abs....



Most easy and effective exercise that targets the abdominal area. If you are a beginner you will have some problem while rising yourself up so, don't worry about it. everyone has this difficulty in the beginning but you should not quit this exercise and do it regularly in your abdominal workout routine. Always keep in mind that you have to keep both hands behind your neck and then raise yourself up.


Another abdominal exercise that targets and gives a lot of stress on mid abdominal area is decline crunch. You can begin this exercise with less declined bench and can increase the declined level of bench gradually. Never give stress on your lower back because by doing so, it will not benefit you and make your lower back weak. If you feel any lower back pain that increases with the exercise than stop there only and do not continue the exercise.


This very exercise is beneficial in targeting the lower abs muscle. With the continuous movement of legs the lower abs muscles start to expand and contract which is very useful to your abdominal area.
Get on a hanging bar and with steady movement rise your legs and then slowly get to your initial position. Perform it slowly and with steady movement so that more and more stress can be given.


To target your side abdominal muscle you can use a bar stick and make movement to your sides. Sit on a bench and then perform this exercise. Never use a barbell rod to do this exercise because it is heavy and can cause problem to your lower back.


By this exercise it becomes easy to target main upper abs muscles. Keep your legs on a raised platform and then do the sit ups. Raising your legs to a certa
in level makes it easier to work on upper abs muscles.


To perform this exercise you should start with low reps and low sets because this very exercise needs more and more stability. Sit on a bench and raise your knees to touch your stomach. Initially you will not be able to raise knees and touch your stomach but gradually you will.


When you want to target the upper side abdominal muscles, this is the best exercise. Stand in a steady position and take weight according to your choice so that you feel some movement but not too heavy. Just go deep in your right then raise this side and then go the left side and perform this movement vice versa.


By these easy workout you can get rock hard popping abs.
Thank you for reading this article.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Hello everyone!
In our daily run we often forget the value of our health and keep on ignoring the healthy lifestyle. Instead we start to have habits that are not good for our body. So, according to me everyone should have a routine for his/her healthy lifestyle.

This healthy lifestyle consists of the following parts:

>>Exercise regularly and never skip a day without workout. It will increase body stamina, circulation of blood, lessens depression.

>>Make a routine or a time table. This should be followed by you strictly and regularly. This can increase your commitment and also will make you work efficiently.

>>Track your daily routine, because without it, your progress would not be measured and you will not know what good changes you are getting in yourself.

>>Eat regularly and never skip any meal. You can have green vegetables and other foods that are rich in nutrients and also you have to avoid too much consumption of fast foods. At an average you should have 5-6 meals everyday.

>>Drink plenty of water, this makes your body hydrated and also fight against strokes and other heat related problems. It also keeps the digestion strong and healthy.

>>Have a good sleep. It is a necessary part of your healthy lifestyle because after having a nice tight sleep you will feel fresh and active. It is not important that you have to sleep 8 hours regularly, you can divide it in two parts like 2 hours nap in mid day time and 6 hours sleep in night.


Hello everyone!
In my previous post i discussed about the non-vegetarian food that have protein content equal to the expensive protein powders. In this post i am going to discuss about the vegetarian substitutes that can build muscle naturally without taking protein powders.



Most of the beans are low in fat content and high in protein value. You can have them on the go without any difficulty and can also make you feel full.



This is a very nutritious food that contain fiber, iron and is loaded with more beneficial nutrients. It can be consumed anytime in breakfast also.


Another source of essential amino acids, iron and calcium. Hempseeds also contains omega 3 that is very good for fighting depression. 

4-Peanut butter:

It is a very easy to get food and can be consumed in many ways. It also tasyes good and have high protein content with healthy fats to boost your body.


This is also known as bean curd, and is made by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curd into soft white blocks. It is a excellent source of amino acids and other micro-nutrients.

Monday, October 12, 2015


Hello everyone!
We always think that when it's about protein intake we only have to have protein powder shakes, and many of us find costly to have protein powder in our daily consumption. So, here is a list of foods that are not much expensive and are equal to the protein powders.


Some of the common non-veg foods that have enormous amounts of protein are:

1- Egg whites: 

Are a great source of protein. This is a food that everyone can consume and have many benefits. It is not expensive and can be easily made.

2-Chicken breast:

Every guy that wants to bulk up and maintain his body should consume chicken breast it is a great source of protein nutrients and is also good in taste.


It is a food that is loaded with protein and also contains lean nutirents and is very much low in calories. it can also protect you from many heart disease.


This food is rich in protein and can be consumed as a salad also and it tastes great. Tuna has a high nutritional value in our diet and you can have it with worrying about about calories and fat.

5-Turkey breast:

Turkey breast can be consumed and prepared in many ways. One of the best way to prepare this food is by ovening it. this make sit more roasted and gives it rich colour and taste. It also have plenty of protein good for muscle building.

Saturday, October 10, 2015


Hello everyone!
There are different body types and every type have different fat percentage. But what if we know where we stand and work for success. Yes, it can be done with ease.

From the above chart get your fat percentage of your body and train in order to get your dream body with minimal fat percentages.


Hello everyone!
Whenever anyone looks at a person all which matter (except face) is that how good he/she looks from upper body. This is very common mentality of anyone, that's the reason why everyone trains hard for upper body than lower body. To enhance the look of your upper body you can develop your shoulders which automatically adds good look to you.

Here are some exercises to grow your shoulders:

Barbell shoulder press

You can also perform this exercise in the smith machine

Upright rowing

Can also be performed with smith machine for more stability

Seated side lateral raise

Have a dumbbell that can be lifted properly without sacrificing your form

Alternate front raise

Always remain steady and perform the full moment

Bent over lateral raise

You can put your forehead on a inclined bench that will give more steadiness to your body


Know your body type and work accordingly