Monday, October 12, 2015


Hello everyone!
We always think that when it's about protein intake we only have to have protein powder shakes, and many of us find costly to have protein powder in our daily consumption. So, here is a list of foods that are not much expensive and are equal to the protein powders.


Some of the common non-veg foods that have enormous amounts of protein are:

1- Egg whites: 

Are a great source of protein. This is a food that everyone can consume and have many benefits. It is not expensive and can be easily made.

2-Chicken breast:

Every guy that wants to bulk up and maintain his body should consume chicken breast it is a great source of protein nutrients and is also good in taste.


It is a food that is loaded with protein and also contains lean nutirents and is very much low in calories. it can also protect you from many heart disease.


This food is rich in protein and can be consumed as a salad also and it tastes great. Tuna has a high nutritional value in our diet and you can have it with worrying about about calories and fat.

5-Turkey breast:

Turkey breast can be consumed and prepared in many ways. One of the best way to prepare this food is by ovening it. this make sit more roasted and gives it rich colour and taste. It also have plenty of protein good for muscle building.

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