Sunday, October 18, 2015


Hello everyone!
Without a bigger tricep muscle anyone's arm would be incomplete. So, if you want to make your arms more impressive then you should follow these simple exercises and make your triceps more defined.

1-Seated barbell extension:

In this exercise you have to sit a bench and lift a barbell above your head, then slightly bend it backwards and return to your initial state. Always keep in mind, while performing this exercise you should stick your elbow close enough so that more and more stress can be given on tricep muscle.

2-One arm dumbbell extension:

You can perform this exercise while standing or sitting on a bench. In this exercise you have to take dumbbell (which is not too heavy but can create stress on triceps muscles) and above your head make a swing motion by taking the dumbbell down and then up. Perform this exercise with alternate hands.

3-Dumbbell kickback:

This is a exercise which is very less practiced. But according to me it is a great exercise to lay stress on triceps muscle. Just have a same position as in training back muscles and place your knee on a bench. Then lift the dumbbell in a swing motion from forward to backward and vice versa. Always try to keep your back straight and have a steady posture in this exercise because unsteadiness will lessen the impact of this exercise.

4-Overhead triceps extension:

Take a dumbbell and lay on a bench with making a motion up and down from behind your  head. This exercise can be performed by taking barbell instead of a dumbbell that's why this exercise is also called overhead barbell extension.

5-Triceps push down:

Everyone loves to do this exercise but let me tell you this exercise should not be performed more than 4 sets because it may cause damage to the muscles and also then it will not be beneficial for your triceps muscle. Take a pulley rod and stand in a steady position push the rod down without moving any other part and slowly bring it up. Perform this motion several times. Always remember that your elbow should be close to your side abdomin which will create more stress on the muscles.

6-Seated dumbbell extension:

Sit on a bench and take a dumbbell, hold it with both hands and then move your hand up and down behind your head. Make slow and steady movement so that more effect can be obtained from this exercise.


In every exercise that you do for triceps, should contain steadiness, proper posture and less involvement of other body parts. By following this you can increase the effectiveness of the workout and get bigger triceps.
Thank you for reading this article.

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