Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Hello everyone!
In my previous post i discussed about the non-vegetarian food that have protein content equal to the expensive protein powders. In this post i am going to discuss about the vegetarian substitutes that can build muscle naturally without taking protein powders.



Most of the beans are low in fat content and high in protein value. You can have them on the go without any difficulty and can also make you feel full.



This is a very nutritious food that contain fiber, iron and is loaded with more beneficial nutrients. It can be consumed anytime in breakfast also.


Another source of essential amino acids, iron and calcium. Hempseeds also contains omega 3 that is very good for fighting depression. 

4-Peanut butter:

It is a very easy to get food and can be consumed in many ways. It also tasyes good and have high protein content with healthy fats to boost your body.


This is also known as bean curd, and is made by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curd into soft white blocks. It is a excellent source of amino acids and other micro-nutrients.

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