You cannot imagine this, there are two most easy exercises that are neglected and ignored by all of us, but let me tell you one thing that if you continue with these two exercises then you can get fit fast and easily. These exercises are 1-CYCLING, 2-RUNNING. Yes, cycling and running are the two most easy exercise that can get you ripped and fit. Everyone wants to be fit and healthy, but are not able to achieve it. By performing cycling and running you will see a great change in your body stats and you will feel more healthy.
It is a state of body in which, it can perform different physical activities with ease, and in a healthy manner. Fitness can be physical and mental. It is proven by the sports association of united states that by keep doing some physical daily can enhance one's mental and physical state which makes him/her a healthy person. A fit person can perform a work in given time with more effectiveness high power, more endurance and speed. So, in order to live a healthy life aim to be fit and fitness can be achieved by certain exercises. You can add different exercising plans according to your age, weight, body structure and can have fitness.
Easy way to fitness is regular running and cycling |
I am laying stress on cycling and running because it can be done by any age group and talking about elderly people they can switch their lifestyle by having a small session of cycling and gradual jogging. You should start these two exercises today and never leave them as these exercises will have a direct effect on your health and will help you achieve the goal of fitness.
Can you remember your school days when you get on the top of your bicycle and came across every street before going home? Most of us do remember that time and want to have the power and energy level we had that time. I know there are many aspects to the energy we get at different age levels but you can have those power and efficiency now also, just by starting your old school cycling routine. I am not saying that you are going to be fit and atheletic within a day but you will notice positive changes in yourself and will feel more active.
Cycling is considered as one of the best physical exercise in which most of the body gets involved. A study shows that the people who cycle for regular period of time on daily basis tends to have more energy levels, better sleep, good digestion than the people who don't. There are many benefits of cycling, some of them are:
1-Increase In Stamina:
Stamina is the ability of the body to do work for more longer time period without tiring and stopping. By cycling you can get great increase in your stamina. Regular cycling can provide better energy level which results in maintaining your stamina.
2-Better Sleep:
Cycling can actually make your body work and in a regular habit it helps to get better and sound sleep. When you get exhausted by the physical exercise then your body needs rest, cycling is also a physical exercise which makes your body sweat, and feel to take rest, finally resulting to have better sleep.
3-Good digestion:
Digestion can be made better if our body perform physical work. Cycling can make your digestion system better and stronger. When we cycle for some time on regular basis than our body needs to have more energy, resulting in a increase in our diet. Our, body gets this energy from the food we eat and breaks the complex parts more quickly and fastly hence providing better digestive system.
4-Helps In Increase Bone Density:
It is been proved that by cycling a person can add density to the bones, this rate of density increase is very slow. But, it is good to have a slow progress than no progress. According to WHO, bone density in a individuals body increases with time when they start to adapt healthy habits, including physical exercise(cycling).
Nowadays, everyone is very much concerned about there health and try different techniques to get fit. One of the best way to be healthy and fit is running. Running is a physical exercise in which the body is involved including cardio vascular muscles and region in this get more and more expansion resulting in improved health. There are many benefits of running:
1-Helps In Weight Loss:
Running is a very good exercise in which the whole body is used and sweat is released. When this heat generated by body mixes with the fat it then burns it away. It is proved that by regular running one can easily lose their weight and burn fat.
2-Good For Respiratory Heath:
Talking about the running, how can we forget the rapid intake and outtake of air. Yes i am talking about the respiration. Respiration can be improved by running. Many doctors and physicians recommend their patient to run daily. This can decrease the respiratory problems and are even beneficial in curing these disease.
3-Improves Cardiovascular Health
By running one can decrease the risk of several heart related disease. When we run our heart pumps more and more blood in our vessels which in turn keep on purifying it. This process leads to a healthy heart and thus makes it defensive against heart problems. Running also increases and improves the cardio vascular health of the individual.
4-Better Metabolism And Good Body Composition:
The path of fitness goes from running. Running is a very good exercise that can improve your body composition, in other words can get you in shape. Running also have a impact on our metabolism, and makes it better. This also helps in getting body immune and to fight against foreign material.
One must know their limits, overuse or excessive use of these exercise is not good. Because in excess these exercise will not do any good to you, instead can cause injuries in your body. Nothing is good in excess so, know your body and never overdo these exercise. some of the common injury area related to running and cycling are: Neck, Shoulder, Hands, Back, Lower body, Buttocks, Knees etc.
You should always perform these exercises in a well controlled manner so that no bad effect or side effect occurs to your body.
There are some points you should keep in mind while running and cycling:
1- Have a correct, adjusted saddle
2- Increase your distance slowly
3- Always have a training preparation
4- Selecting proper gear
5- Posture while cycling or proper way of running
6- Never go in excess while running
Fitness is the term that is related to our mind and body and when these two key features are healthy then the goal of fitness is achieved. By attaining the state of fitness one can have many advantages like: Control on blood pressure, Prevention of cancer, Prevention of cardio vascular and respiratory problems, Weight control, and many more benefits are related with a healthy body.
So, in order to get a fit and healthy body start your exercise routine today highlighting running and cycling. Stay fit, stay healthy.
Thank you for taking time to read my article.